Get Swinto

Download the app to get going with your account, it takes less than five minutes and it’s all digital.

Be there for those you love, no matter the time or borders.

We are people-centric.
For us at Swinto, those you send money to and receive from are not just an account number, that is why Swinto automatically connects you to your contacts, your family and friends.

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Swinto, more than just an app!

Swinto is a new way of managing money.

Our solution eliminates the obstacles to a smooth money-transfer experience.

Swinto is an easy-to-use app, with no base fees, without limits, fast and independent. It empowers users in a way that you can’t imagine.

Our mission

Our mission is to build an ecosystem that supports us all in our financial journey, that easily connects one-another and wipes away the old barriers, makes finance accessible to all people, by profoundly re-shaping the way we think and manage finance for a better future.

Our vision

A reliable, cost efficient, easy to use and secure financial platform, for everyone, anywhere and at anytime.

Our values

We are committed to promoting empowerment and responsibility, ensuring financial inclusion for all and maintaining diverse partnerships. All our activities are based on work principles focused on CSR and environmental sustainability.


Why Swinto?

Swinto is a fair, connected and people-friendly financial ecosystem, one that positively impacts that which is so central in our lives. From the first day Swinto started our focus has been the people, our own experiences, our family, friends and the wider communities in which we partake. Swinto is an answer to the the real-world barriers holding us back.

This means we are not just a product, we are a community in humanizing finance within a wider platform where everyone can participate and gain for our common connection.

Join us and be a part of this new financial ecosystem.



March 8, 2022

The Gender Gap in Fintech

By Vesa Bunjaku: The issue with gender inequality in FinTech starts within the industry, with an incredibly small percentage of women leading and working at these companies.


May 6, 2022

Swinto launches in Kosovë and Switzerland