Get Swinto

Onboarding Process

• To open a business account, tap ‘Continue‘, and start your Swinto journey!

• Set up your company’s name and then enter business ID number, after finishing these details, tap ‘Continue‘.

• We’re halfway through already! Please enter your you Address, City, Postal code and Country, after doing so, please tap ‘Continue‘.

• For more relevant information and an additional way to contact you for exciting news about Swinto, please enter your email address and then tap ‘Continue‘. It is optional so don’t worry if you don’t have an email address yet.

• Last but not least, we’ve sent you a confirmation to verify your email, if you provided one, tap ‘Go to Inbox‘ and confirm your email, by following this last step you’re all set up! If you skipped the last step then don’t worry about this one.

• When you’re done verifying your email, Swinto will let you know that your email has been verified, tap ‘Continue‘ for the next step.

At this point you can start exploring Swinto business account, see all the features and load your staff members.